Monday 22 June 2015

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

In Unrequited Love Quotes Biography
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I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around her and sleep. Not fuck, like in those movies. Not even have sex. Just sleep together in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was hurricane.
If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.
To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.
The way he looked at you. I got it then. He loved you, and it was killing him. He won't get over you, Clary, he can't.
Because what’s worse than knowing you want something, besides knowing you can never have it?
Snape's patronus was a doe,' said Harry, 'the same as my mother's because he loved her for nearly all of his life, from when they were children.
Because, if you could love someone, and keep loving them, without being loved back . . . then that love had to be real. It hurt too much to be anything else.
I wouldn't change it," Simon said. "I wouldn't give up loving you. Not for anything. You know what Raphael told me? That I didn't know how to be a good vampire, that vampires accept that they're dead. But as long as I remember what it was like to love you, I'll always feel like I'm alive
....unrequited love does not die; it's only beaten down to a secret place where it hides, curled and wounded. For some unfortunates, it turns bitter and mean, and those who come after pay the price for the hurt done by the one who came before.
Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow.
First of all, love is a joint experience between two persons — but the fact that it is a joint experience does not mean that it is a similar experience to the two people involved. There are the lover and the beloved, but these two come from different countries. Often the beloved is only a stimulus for all the stored-up love which had lain quiet within the lover for a long time hitherto. And somehow every lover knows this. He feels in his soul that his love is a solitary thing. He comes to know a new, strange loneliness and it is this knowledge which makes him suffer. So there is only one thing for the lover to do. He must house his love within himself as best he can; he must create for himself a whole new inward world — a world intense and strange, complete in himself. Let it be added here that this lover about whom we speak need not necessarily be a young man saving for a wedding ring — this lover can be man, woman, child, or indeed any human creature on this earth.

Now, the beloved can also be of any description. The most outlandish people can be the stimulus for love. A man may be a doddering great-grandfather and still love only a strange girl he saw in the streets of Cheehaw one afternoon two decades past. The preacher may love a fallen woman. The beloved may be treacherous, greasy-headed, and given to evil habits. Yes, and the lover may see this as clearly as anyone else — but that does not affect the evolution of his love one whit. A most mediocre person can be the object of a love which is wild, extravagant, and beautiful as the poison lilies of the swamp. A good man may be the stimulus for a love both violent and debased, or a jabbering madman may bring about in the soul of someone a tender and simple idyll. Therefore, the value and quality of any love is determined solely by the lover himself.

It is for this reason that most of us would rather love than be loved. Almost everyone wants to be the lover. And the curt truth is that, in a deep secret way, the state of being beloved is intolerable to many. The beloved fears and hates the lover, and with the best of reasons. For the lover is forever trying to strip bare his beloved. The lover craves any possible relation with the beloved, even if this experience can cause him only pain.
I have to admit, an unrequited love is so much better than a real one. I mean, it's perfect... As long as something is never even started, you never have to worry about it ending. It has endless potential.
If you don't receive love from the ones who are meant to love you, you will never stop looking for it.
I had to get over [him]. For months now, a stone had been sitting on my heart. I'd shed a lot of tears over [him], lost a lot of sleep, eaten a lot of cake batter. Somehow, I had to move on. [Life] would be hell if I didn't shake loose from the grip he had on my heart. I most definitely didn't want to keep feeling this way, alone in a love affair meant for two. Even if he'd felt like The One. Even if I'd always thought we'd end up together. Even if he still had a choke chain on my heart.
Maybe I was destined to forever fall in love with people I couldn’t have. Maybe there’s a whole assortment of impossible people waiting for me to find them. Waiting to make me feel the same impossibility over and over again.
Never rearrange your life in order to meet Mr. Darcy half way. If he couldn’t see your worth at the moment you met then he won’t two years later. May the halls of Pemberly be filled with his regrets and your life filled with thankfulness because of this revelation.
I thought of all the others who had tried to tie her to the ground and failed. So I resisted showing her the songs and poems I had written, knowing that too much truth can ruin a thing. And if that meant she wasn't entirely mine, what of it? I would be the one she could always return to without fear of recrimination or question. So I did not try to win her and contented myself with playing a beautiful game. But there was always a part of me that hoped for more, and so there was a part of me that was always a fool.
Love Jo all your days, if you choose, but don't let it spoil you, for it's wicked to throw away so many good gifts because you can't have the one you want.
There are no coincidences in life. What person that wandered in and out of your life was there for some purpose, even if they caused you harm. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense the short periods of time we get with people, or the outcomes from their choices. However, if you turn it over to God he promises that you will see the big picture in the hereafter. Nothing is too small to be a mistake.
She hardly ever thought of him. He had worn a place for himself in some corner of her heart, as a sea shell, always boring against the rock, might do. The making of the place had been her pain. But now the shell was safely in the rock. It was lodged, and ground no longer.
Unrequited love is the infinite curse of a lonely heart.
She hated that she was still so desperate for a glimpse of him, but it had been this way for years.
Sometimes the best and worst times of your life can coincide. It is a talent of the soul to discover the joy in pain—-thinking of moments you long for, and knowing you’ll never have them again. The beautiful ghosts of our past haunt us, and yet we still can’t decide if the pain they caused us out weighs the tender moments when they touched our soul. This is the irony of love.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

Unrequited Love Quotes Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.
      Love Quotes for Him for Her Tagalog Images in Hindi for Husband Photos Images Wallpapers.

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